
PIXSTAR (Bifenthrin 10% EC) is a broad-spectrum insecticide with stomach and contact action that controls bollworms, whiteflies, leaf folders, green leaf hoppers, stem borers, and termites in cotton, paddy, and sugarcane.

SKU: INS-0022 Category:


PIXSTAR is a broad-spectrum insecticide formulated with Bifenthrin 10% EC. It combines stomach and contact action to effectively manage a wide range of pests. PIXSTAR is highly effective against bollworms and sucking pests like whiteflies in cotton, as well as leaf folders, green leaf hoppers, and stem borers in paddy. Additionally, it offers reliable termite control in sugarcane. Designed for quick action and long-lasting protection, PIXSTAR safeguards crop health and maximizes yield potential across various crops.

Key Features:

  • Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin 10% EC.
  • Broad-Spectrum Control: Targets bollworms, whiteflies, leaf folders, green leaf hoppers, stem borers, and termites.
  • Dual Action: Combines stomach and contact activity for superior pest management.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for cotton, paddy, sugarcane, and other crops.
  • Long-Lasting Protection: Reduces pest pressure and promotes healthy crop growth.
  • High Efficacy: Rapid knockdown effect and sustained control of pests.

How to Use:
Dilute the recommended dosage of PIXSTAR in water and apply uniformly using a sprayer. Ensure thorough coverage of foliage and pest-affected areas. For termite control in sugarcane, follow specific soil application guidelines.



Crops Targetted Pest Dosage/Acre
Cotton Boll Worm, WhiteFly 320ml
Paddy Stem Borer, Leaf Folder and Green Leaf Hopper 200ml
Sugarcane Termites 200-400ml

Packaging Sizes Available:
100ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 liter.

Additional information


100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr


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